PRE - Corso di formazione particolare aggiuntiva per Preposto (8 ore) - Rischio (A -M -B) IN INGLESE - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY SUPERVISOR COURSE (OHSSC) Milano
According to the clause 37 of D.Lgs. 81/08 all the workers (Managers, employees, supervisors, generic
workers) have to be trained on OH&S principles in adequate and specific way, according to the personal
duties and obligations. It is also stated that the training on OH&S has to be up-dated periodically (up to a
total of at least 6 h of training actions in 5 years time).
The content of this OHSSC (as the duration) is coherent with the criteria added to the clause 37 of
D.Lgs. 81/08 from the Accordo Stato Regioni of December 21st 2011, published in GU n.8 of January
11th 2012
This course is a mandatory training course for all supervisors. Every supervisor is required to go through
this course before taking up his position everywhere (factory or office, etc.) and in any case not later than
60 days after the beginning of his occupational duties. This OHSSC is therefore suitable for supervisors
that have already attended the Occupational Health and Safety Basic Course OHSBC (8h, plus, if
working in companies dealing with activities having medium or high risks, the specific additional 4 or 8-
hour-long-couse respectively). In total therefore a supervisor has to attend a OHSBC (8h) in companies
in a low risk sector, or OHSBC (8h) + 4h, in companies in a medium risk sector, or OHSBC (8h) + 8 h in
companies in a high risk sector plus OHSSC (8h, all risk sectors). All supervisors of any sector have to
maintain up-to-date their competences in OH&S through training actions for a total amount of 6h during
the following 5 years, like workers and managers.
PRE - Corso di formazione particolare aggiuntiva per Preposto (8 ore) - Rischio (A -M -B) IN INGLESE - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY SUPERVISOR COURSE (OHSSC)