Warning: file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: Only 0 of 432320 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /var/www/html/libraries/gantry/core/gantry.class.php on line 1152 Corso: Certificazioni Informatiche EIPASS Brescia, autoapprendimento - Topcorsi.it Warning: file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: Filename cannot be empty in /var/www/html/libraries/gantry/core/gantry.class.php on line 1152
Warning: file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: Only 0 of 4909 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /var/www/html/libraries/gantry/core/gantry.class.php on line 1152
Warning: file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: Only 0 of 4909 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /var/www/html/libraries/gantry/core/gantry.class.php on line 1152
Si effettua no corsi con rilascio attestazioni eipass per:
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- certificazione eipass personale ata
- certificazione eipass pubblica amministrazione - certificazione eipass sanita' digitale
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- certificazione eipass web
- certificazione eipass ondemand
-certificazione eipass junior
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per info in merito ai costi e le modalità di svolgimento contattaci a:
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